Combatting Writer’s Bottom with Jane Wenham-Jones

100 Ways to Fight the Flab by Jane Wenham-Jones

If you’re reading this, chances are you are something of a ‘sitter’.  Either because you are a writer, or a reader, or both.

Now, while it’s completely possible to be a writer a reader and a triathlete, I suspect that most of us who are the first two are not the last.  So to at least some extent we are all at risk of ‘writer’s bottom’.

I love this term and would like to introduce you to the writer who coined it, Jane Wenham-Jones.  (Take note, she wants credit, against the day that ‘Writer’s Bottom’ becomes a recognised condition. 😉 )

I discovered Jane and her book on the blog of the lovely and helpful Catherine, Caffeinated (otherwise known as Catherine Ryan Howard and whom ).

I was immediately interested and hied me over to Amazon and got a copy and was delighted to find it was very good.

Here’s what I liked about it.  Unlike every other book I have ever seen on the subject of flab, this book does not assume that you aspire to be Kate Moss thin, or that you hate yourself or are desperate or that you even fundamentally want to change the way you live your life.  In fact it assumes quite the opposite.  It takes for granted that you, like the author, actually quite like your curries or wine and crackers or icecream or whatever, and you don’t ever intend to give them up for a teetotal, tofu-and-mungbeans way of life in the quest for ludicrous Hollywood ideals of beauty. (Of course, if you naturally love tofu and mungbeans and sobriety, good luck to you.  But then you probably don’t need this book!)

Instead, it offers realistic, practical things you can do to tweak your routine so that the hours you spend in front of the computer don’t turn into equivalent inches on your hips.  Ms Wenham-Jones talks a lot of sense and is hilarious to boot.  With the result that, far from wanting to throw the book against the wall (just as well, as it was on the iDevice) I was motivated to try a couple of the things straight away and bookmark more for later.

I was also inspired to look up the other things she has published.  If you would like to know as well, you can visit her website bookshop, where they are all listed.  She has two books on writing, which I have also bought for the Kindle and several novels, which I didn’t buy as ebooks, because they were, for some reason, a ruinous price.  I’ll look them up in paperback.

If you would like to read the caffeinated Catherine’s interview with Jane, click the link.

The two writing books I bought are below.  Click on the cover for a link to the Amazon page. I’ve started the second one (because I’m a rebel that way) and I’m enjoying it so far!


To celebrate the new book, Jane is running a competition with a FABULOUS prize.  It closes on the 25th of April and all the details are on her blog. Well worth a look!


8 thoughts on “Combatting Writer’s Bottom with Jane Wenham-Jones

  1. I hereby recognize the term ‘Writer’s Bottom’ as coined by , Jane Wenham-Jones. Admittedly I love tofu, but I love, love red wine and pasta! Now over to her site to check it out!

    • Resa, I’ve seen pictures of you. The chances of you suffering from Writer’s Bottom any time soon are about as high as me NOT suffering from it, since I always have! Also, you have an active job! I’m sure there’s some sewing machine action, but even then, I bet it doesn’t involve sitting for long periods. Sometimes I think I should go back to waitressing part time to mix it up a bit. I was much fitter when I was a student and worked in restaurants. Not because I went to the gym but because my work was active and I walked around campus.

    • I think it has been long established, Monsieur Wapojif, that you like anything that doesn’t bite you first. Including noodles. But I cannot deny your enigmatica statement. I, too, like cake. Although not the creamy ones, so much.

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