Little Gems contest placegetters

So this happened… I’m so happy they liked my little story!

Romance Writers of Australia

Congratulations to our Little Gems prizewinners:

Equal First prize: Courtney Clark Michaels and Imelda Evans

Second prize: Shannon McEwan

Equal Third prize: J. Keneally and Rose Pearse.

In addition, the following authors have been invited to participate in the 2017 Little Gems Onyx anthology:

Heidi Catherine
Kat Colmer
Frances Dall’Alba
Fiona Greene
Jillian Jones
Caitlyn Lynch
Fiona Marsden
Jane Newton
Stella Quinn.

Congratulations to all our entrants – the score required to reach the anthology list was high and as you can see, it was very difficult to separate the stories! Thanks as usual to all our volunteer judges, and the contest manager Lis Hoorweg.

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9 thoughts on “Little Gems contest placegetters

    • Oh, that’s a good question! No, it means we were equal first! I’m so curious to read all the other stories, now! The results were CRAZY close. Less than 5% from winners to the cutoff for anthology.

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