Monday on Writing: Catch of the Day, or Cool Links for Writers

Since I have been doing this blogging thing, I have realised how many other good blogs there are out there, with great content for writers.  So today I am starting what will probably be a regular feature on Monday on Writing, a list of some of the best things I’ve found in my recent travels.  So, without further ado, here is today’s catch:

The quite wonderful Valerie Parv (romance writer extraordinaire and living treasure) talks about 6 things she wishes she’d known when she was starting out…

The amazing writer and writing teacher Margie Lawson provides an invaluable reminder about making things fresh on Jenny Hansen’s blog.

On The Editor’s Blog, there is an interesting and extensive explanation of Deep Point of View (POV) in modern fiction.

For those doing the Australian Women Writers Challenge, or anyone interested in mixing up their reading, The Banana Lounge has a list of Australian Women Writers of diverse heritage.

The very charming Letters of Note site has some sage advice from C. S. Lewis on writing (and an example of how to treat fans).

And for when it all gets too much, you might like to try 13 Simple Steps to Get You Through a Rough Day from Buzzfeed.  The fabulous picture above is from this post.  (If none of these make you laugh, you might want to consider checking yourself in somewhere.)

Happy Monday!  Happy Writing!


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